Understanding Anemia What Is The Difference Between Anemia And Thalassemia?

What is the difference between anemia and thalassemia? - understanding anemia

Thalassemia and I've never understood what the difference between them, anyone know?


Candace said...

Well, it could look like it, it starts and iron
and hemoglobin did not rise, then what is thalassemia is
Less would be a possible cause.

Is to confirm the suspicion of a more expensive special test is required (hemoglobin electrophoresis), which separates the 4 parts of the hemoglobin on a piece of paper and see what type of hemoglobin you have and what percent.

Is essentially as presented by iron deficiency anemia (the same
Laboratory parameters), hemoglobin, and not rise to the treatment with iron,
and tends to have a family.

Iron is not necessary because the transactions actually
need more iron than can be harmful to the liver and other

People with thalassemia minor may need a blood transfusion
only if certain conditions are met (such as surgery,
or childbirth or severe infection)

The amount of the most common symptoms is proportional to the
healthy amount of hemoglobin produced.

Hope this helps .....

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